Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology


The Aga Khan Program provides financial and logistic assistance for graduate students who are working on Islamic subjects, but it is not a degree program. The two courses of study funded at MIT by the Aga Khan Program are the SMArchS degree (the architectural master of science degree) with a concentration in Architectural Studies of the Islamic World, and the Aga Khan component of the Ph.D. program in History, Theory and Criticism.  

Information on admissions requirements and descriptions of the two degree programs AKPIA@MIT offers appear on the Department of Architecture’s website:  https://architecture-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/graduate-admissions.  The application dedaline is Dicember 31 or begining of January for admission the following September.  When applying to MIT, the prospective student should make it clear that he or she is interested in AKPIA, should specify their field of work and explain how it relates to the focus of the Program.   Interested individuals can obtain admissions and application materials at: http://websis.mit.edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au, or from this address: Department of Architecture, MIT 7-337, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA   02139-4307.  Please also see the AKPIA@MIT section in the Department of Architecture’s website https://architecture-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/aga-khan-program-islamic-architecture.

Financial Aid for Students 

Program funds are available to graduate students in Islamic art, architecture, urban history, and the history of landscape architecture. At MIT, only students who have been admitted to, or are already enrolled   in, the Ph.D. program in History, Theory, and Criticism in the Department of Architecture or the SMArchS program, with a concentration   in Architectural Studies of the Islamic World, are eligible for AKPIA   funding. However, since funds are very limited, no student should expect full support.